Khloe Kardashian’s loves Laser Hair Removal

March 31, 2017By 0 Comments



Even if Instagram and reality stars get to present a very pretty, very edited version of themselves to us most of the time, we got to hand it to the ones who aren’t too proud to admit that, hey, things get messy sometimes. That’s more or less the case with one of Khloe Kardashian’s recent blog posts, dedicated to all the hair removal processes she goes through to keep things smooth. The topic might not be as sexy as pillowy lips or perfectly tousled strands, but it’s nothing if not relatable. “The shit we women have to deal with,” she wrote. “We use creams, sugars, wax, razors, thread, and needles to get our hairy situations under control. WTF!”

It turns out Khloe’s a fan of lasering for most areas, including her underarms, bikini zone, and legs. “It’s so much easier than having to shave every single day,” she wrote, saying sister Kylie comes along with her to get treatments. For her brows, she relies on waxing, not threading (she’s emphatic about that, saying “I don’t thread because someone’s saliva might be going on my face!”).

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Vitality Laser Spa is located in Boca Raton, Florida and specializes in laser hair removal, pigmentation, and skin tightening treatments. Vitality also offers body and face treatments including facials, massages, and cellulite reduction.

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