July 24, 2017By 0 Comments


Laser hair removal is a convenient, noninvasive method for permanently reducing or removing unwanted facial or body hair. It leaves the skin looking smoother and silkier than waxing, electrolysis or razors and is a gentle technique that can treat larger areas effectively with minimal discomfort and with no downtime. Today, laser hair removal is one of the most common aesthetic procedures performed in the United States.

When to Consider Laser Hair Removal

If you have unwanted facial or body hair that makes you feel self-conscious or limits your ability to wear certain clothing
If you have dark hair and light skin
If you are looking for an alternative to waxing, electrolysis, shaving and bleaching.

Laser hair removal technology is a safe, comfortable and proven solution, removing hair from virtually any part of your body and keeping it off. Find out how you can be hair free from head to toe with Vitality Laser Spa!

During our hair removal process, a beam of light is passed gently over the skin, disabling many of the hair follicles in the areas being treated. At Vitality Laser Spa has the  state-of-the-art technology, administered by our trained and medically supervised staff, ensures maximum efficacy and safety, as well as beautiful, long-lasting results. You can expect satisfaction at every step.

We help both men or women with facial and body hair removal using a safe and hygienic process. Our offices are private and your confidentiality is of the utmost importance to us. No matter your specific needs or body type, we are prepared to serve you with a variety of services

We encourage you to contact us for a free initial consultation so we can go over the best plan for you.


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About the Author ()

Vitality Laser Spa is located in Boca Raton, Florida and specializes in laser hair removal, pigmentation, and skin tightening treatments. Vitality also offers body and face treatments including facials, massages, and cellulite reduction.

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